The investors for Impact Million 2025 will be announced shortly.
Invested 1MNOK in GRIN
Jon Arne Sæterås
Ijas Consulting AS
Per Magne Ludvigsen
PML Holding AS
Brage W. Johansen
Beyond Centauri AS
Knut Haaland
Gangaren AS
Per Oldeide
Oldeide Invest AS
Joachim Breidenthal
Herlige Havik AS
Møyfrid Risdal
Significance AS
Roar Voll
Sum Invest AS
Katrine Eide
Kre Invest AS
Roy-André Tollefsen
Troll Ventures AS
Morten Helgaland
Sors AS
Mette Hodne
Hodne Invest AS
Tore Knudsen
Pipila AS
Invested 1MNOK in Solintegra
Jon Arne Sæterås
Ijas Consulting AS
Kristin Bjelland
Bjella Investments AS
Mette Hodne
Hodne Invest AS
Knut Haaland
Gangaren AS
Per Oldeide
Oldeide Invest AS
Atle Riskedal
Startup Invest AS
Anders Thingbø
KOG Invest AS
Per Øyvind Berge
Grunnfjellet AS
Tore Gjedebo
Investore Finans AS
Susanne Todnem
Todnem Holding AS